That Eco Place, 2 Reilly St, Inverloch

Stocks my Worm-Friendly Eco Tubes and Eco Tins of Lip Balms, Natural Mozzie Repellent, Calendula Salve, the small sizes of Lemon Balm Soothe Cream, Cooling Aloe Lotion and the Winter Seasonal Special Lavender & Coconut Honey Balm.

Natural Living, 24 Main St, Foster Vic 3960

Stocks all four of the lip balms in the 100% worm-friendly ECO push-up Tubes, The Mints, Sweet Orange, Lemon Myrtle and Heavenly Vanilla. They also stock the small sized jars of:
- Mature Skin Toning Cream
- Dry Skin Cream
- Arthritis Muscle Balm Cream
- Kankle Ankle Cream
- Lavender Night Cream
- Lemon Balm Soothe Cream
- Calendula Salve